Formula 1 engines run on petrol with specifications similiar to road cars. Indeed, the FIA said that the rules ‘should ensure the use of fuels that are mainly composed of compounds normally found in commercial fuels and to prohibit the use of specific chemical compounds to increase the power.’
All fuels must meet strict requirements prior to each race and must provide two separate five-liter samples in suitable containers to the FIA for analysis and approval. Additional samples can be taken during the weekend Grand Prix to determine that there is no difference between the fuel used while driving and those which are team brought in samples.
A minimum of 5.75% of the fuel must comprise bio-components.
Manganese based additives are not permitted and only ambient air may be mixed with the fuel as an oxidant.
New rule for 2017. – no competitor may have more than five fuel formulations approved for use during a Championship season and no competitor may have more than two approved fuels available during an Event.
FIA F1 2017. technical regulations can be downloaded here.