All Formula 1 cars must pass roll structure tests before they’re allowed to take to the track.
Rubber 3mm thick may be used between the load pads and the roll structure and both peak loads must be applied in less than three minutes and be maintained for 10 seconds.
Under the load, deformation must be less than 25mm in the case of the principal roll structure and 50mm in the case of the secondary roll structure, measured along the loading axis and any structural failure limited to 100mm below the top of the rollover structure when measured vertically.
Any significant modification introduced into any of the structures tested shall require that part to pass a further test.
Principal roll structure test
A load equivalent to 50kN laterally, 60kN longitudinally in a rearward direction and 90kN vertically, must be applied to the top of the structure through a rigid flat pad which is 200mm in diameter and perpendicular to the loading axis. During the test, the roll structure must be attached to the survival cell which is supported on its underside on a flat plate, fixed to it through its engine mounting points and wedged laterally by any of the static load test pads described in Article 18.2.
Secondary roll structure test
A vertical load of 75kN must be applied to the top of the structure through a rigid flat pad which is 100mm in diameter and perpendicular to the loading axis. The loading axis must be aligned with the highest point of the structure. During the test, the rollover structure must be attached to the survival cell which is fixed to a flat horizontal plate.
FIA F1 2017. Technical Regulations can be downloaded here.